In 2018, Bring It North, a boy band consisting of five members named Harry, Max, Toby, Oscar, and Felix, captivated the audience with their angelic voices and charming demeanor on Britain’s Got Talent. Their rendition of “Electricity” by Billy Elliot during the audition round impressed Judge Alesha Dixon, who saw their potential to inspire other young boys. As a result, they swiftly progressed to the next stage of the competition.
Even though they delivered a dazzling performance of “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman, the group was regrettably eliminated in the semi-finals. Nevertheless, to comfort their disappointed fans, they posted a rehearsal video of their more vocally intricate cover as a special treat. Many commenters from across the country quickly praised the group’s exceptional talent for harmonizing beautifully.
The boys’ proud fathers are seen in the background, showing their support for their courageous young sons, as the ensemble creates an uplifting cover with their breathtakingly layered vocals and deep harmonies. The video has garnered over a million views since its release. Another admirer admitted that not many singing videos give them goosebumps, but this one did easily, while yet another gushed that “these boys harmonize well.”
Following the elimination of Bring It North from Britain’s Got Talent, the group’s journey with the show had just begun. Subsequent to the competition, the five-member ensemble started performing frequently throughout the country. For instance, a video from 2018 showcased their lively performance of “I Want You Back” by The Jackson 5, captivating the audience and sparking discussions about the possibility of them becoming the next prominent Motown group.
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